Talent Development.

What does unparalleled productivity, highly engaged team members, and retaining the most talented people mean to you? If your answer isn’t everything, then think again! Let’s be intentional about creating a learning initiative!

Check out the three ways we can work together below: development sessions for leaders and managers, power skills workshops for teams, and 1: 1 coaching sessions for career and professional development.

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Leadership + Management



Recharge the people IN CHARGE.

People managers and leaders play a critical and prominent role in the employee experience and engagement. They are expected to drive results and lead a team of individuals, while executing on their individual goals and priorities. This can take a toll on even the most adept professional. Whether part of a talent management initiative or as part of an offsite strategy or development session, my engaging and interactive workshops and sessions develop a variety of the most practical skills including delivering feedback, coaching essentials, conflict management and transitioning others through change... and more.

Working to become a strong leader, and build a team of leaders, is no easy feat. After working with Kim, and surviving extremely difficult times with her wisdom and guidance, I felt I came out better and stronger as a leader.
— Greg B.

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Team + Professional


Soft skills lead to strong teams! Level up your talent tribe through an investment in development, learning and growth opportunities for your team. Together we’ll practice and perfect interpersonal skills to facilitate trust, teamwork, and results.  I’ll help your employees discover what they naturally do best, give them to tools to develop their talents, and improve their self-awareness to enhance their performance.


course offerings FOR TEAMS:

  • Improve dialogue and change behavior through engaging in enhanced communication skills

  • Uncover and acquire skills integral to career development

  • Understand to appropriately influence and persuade

  • Establish resiliency through change

  • And more! Work with me on a custom topic for your team!

Kim is outstanding. Talk about someone that knows the material. Wow. Her delivery kept everyone very engaged for the full 3 hours of each session. That series of sessions were some of the best I have experienced in a long time – in all companies I have been with. She used real examples and case studies to help drive home the point. As some of the skills are harder to master, the practice groups that we broke into really helped me identify different styles that work well in different kinds of situations. Really, just a great series of training that I would recommend to any one – manager or not. I think it should be mandatory for Managers of teams to experience Kim’s sessions. Kim is a rock star (I am guessing you have heard that before).
— Simon M.

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1:1 career and professional coaching


Regardless of level or role in an organization, seats are filled with unrealized professional ambitions, dreams and possibilities. Career paths unclear, movement stalled, discretionary effort lost.  Together we will identify what is holding you back while clearing a path forward to accelerate your career, manifest brilliance in your current work and rediscover who you are meant to be. 

Let’s untether and release from the expectations that are in conflict with the real you and stalling your arrival to your ideal future state and destination. Together we'll shift energy to release those things that no longer serve you or compromise your values.

I use a variety of strategies and tools to discover and activate your natural strengths and talents to attain the goals and results you have identified as critical to your authentic professional self and to contribute to the company strategy.


Powerful Tools
+ insightful Data

I offer several assessments that can be used as powerful tools to best understand your employees during our sessions. The results of the assessments provide key insights to target areas of development and raise awareness for action. This interpretable data can show employees’ strengths, natural communication styles, behavior types, and areas of development. The insight they provide is almost invaluable! Read about them here.